Protection from Abuse

Are You Scared for Your Life?

If you believe that you are the victim of domestic abuse you may file for a Protection From Abuse Order (PFA). A PFA is a civil order that prohibits another person named in the order from abusing and/or contacting you. The PFA may be a temporary order, or it may extend up to three years after a hearing. Having an attorney who recognizes your issues and is on your side is critical to your case.

We Defend the Right Side

On the other hand, you may believe that you have been falsely accused of abusing someone else. Having a PFA filed against you may prohibit you from owning, possessing or buying a gun. You also may be accused of violating a PFA, which is called an Indirect Criminal Contempt of court or (ICC). A PFA violation may affect your freedom. A violation of a PFA can lead to criminal penalties. These penalties include court costs, fines, and possible jail time. Having the proper representation is vital in these situations. 

A PFA is a serious issue that requires an experienced lawyer to analyze the issues at hand and offer specialized advice on a case by case basis. Call (570)287-0100 to speak with an experienced PFA lawyer.

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